Impreuna pentru Ucraina

Dragii nostri,

In aceste momente de grea incercare, suntem solidari fata de colegii nostri din Let’s Do It, Ucraina care ne-au solicitat ajutorul atat noua, cat si celorlalte tari din comunitatea World CleanUp Day si care au nevoie mai mult ca oricand de sprijinul nostru. Banii le sunt necesari pentru a achizitiona mancare, materiale sanitare, paturi si saci de dormit pentru persoanele care si-au parasit casele in aceste momente, dar au ramas in Ucraina.

Aici lista completa a cerintelor colegilor nostri.

Echipa Let’s Do It, Romania! a donat deja catre ei si ne dorim sa ii sustinem in continuare, asa ca apelam la voi si va rugam sa donati in contul RO07BACX0000001125209018, Unicredit Bank Romania.

De asemenea, alaturi de echipele noastre judetene din toata tara, putem sa venim in ajutor si sa sustinem cu produse necesare si distribuirea lor in locurile in care nevoia este mare.

Let’s Do It!

Dear ones,

In these difficult times, we stand in solidarity with our colleagues from Let’s Do It, Ukraine team, who have asked us for help, both us and the other countries in the World CleanUp Day community and who need our support more than ever. The money is needed to buy food, sanitary supplies, beds and sleeping bags for people who have left their homes at the moment, but also for the ones who have remained in Ukraine.

Here is the list of the needs.

Let’s Do It Team, Romania! has already donated to them and we want to continue to support them, so we kindly ask you for your support. Please donate to the account RO07BACX0000001125209018, Unicredit Bank Romania.

Also, together with our county teams from all over the country, we can come to aid and support with the necessary products and their distribution in the places where the need is great. Our colleagues are already helping in some of the counties where immediate help is needed.

Let’s Do It!

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